ملخص عن البرنامج
آيات الميراث
الصفحة الرئيسية
Allah is recommending you concerning your children: To the male like the share of two females. But if they were women above two, then for them two thirds of what he left. And if she was one, then for her the half. And to his parents, to each one from them the sixth from what he left, if for him was a child. But if there was not for him a child, and his parents inherited him, then to his mother the third. But if siblings were for him, then to his mother the sixth. From after a bequest he bequeaths with it or a debt! Your fathers and your sons, you do not know, which of them is closer to you in benefit! An injunction from Allah, Verily Allah was ever knowledgeable, wise! (Al-Nisa/11)
And to you half of what your wives left, if there was not for them a child! But if there was for them a child, then to you the quarter from what they left from after a bequest they bequeath with it or a debt! And to them the quarter from what you left, if there was not for you a child! But if there was for you a child, then for them the eighth from what you left from after a bequest you bequeath with it or a debt! And if he was a man to be inherited as a Kalala or a woman, and for him is a brother, or a sister, then to each one from them the sixth. But if they were more than that, then they are partners in the third, from after a bequest is bequeathed with it or a debt not prejudicial, a bequest from Allah, and Allah is knowledgeable clement! (Al-Nisa/12)
They are asking you for a pronouncement, say: "Allah pronounces to you concerning the kalala. If a human perished, having no child, and for him is a sister, then to her half of what he left. And he inherits her if there was not for her a child. But if they were two females, then to them the two thirds from what he left. And if they were siblings men and women, then to the male alike the share of the two females. Allah clarifies for you that you not err, and Allah is with every thing knowledgeable. (Al-Nisa/176)
What to do with the remaining of the inheritance?
And when [other] near of kin and orphans and needy persons attended the division, so provide for them from it, and say to them a saying that is kind. (Al-Nisa/8)
Two Ongoing Verses of Inheritance Verses
4–13 Those are Allah's boundaries
and who obeys Allah and His messenger, He makes him to enter gardens, the rivers flow from beneath it, eternally in it, and that is the great achievement!
4–14 And who disobeys Allah and His messenger and transgresses His boundaries, He makes him enter a fire eternally in it, and to him is a humiliating torture!
When this expression (boundaries) of the verse is taken into account, it is understood that taking shares, excessing the share rates mentioned in verses 11 and 12, would be a disobedience to the Supreme Creator. Similarly, resharing the non-sharing part, in other words the remaining part of the inheritance amongst heirs, will result in excessing the share practically, which is proposed theoretically for each heir!